Experience the thrill of our NEW seasonal Bay leaves extract, made from 250 individual Bay leaves in each bottle.
Bay leaves has numerous health benefits, including;
*reducing inflammation,
*aiding digestion particularly bloating,
*promotes cardiovascular health,
*has anti-bacterial properties
*anti-fungal properties
*helps improve respiratory health.
*may lower blood sugar levels
Bay leaves are a good source of vitamins A, B6, and C, which can help support a healthy immune system.
Loaded with vitamins and minerals, bay leaves extract is a must have for a healthy lifestyle.
Experience the thrill of our NEW Bay leaves extract, made from 250 individual Bay leaves in each bottle.
Embrace the bold, earthy notes in your soups, stews, and sauces and elevate your taste buds to new heights.
For a refreshing and soothing experience, mix a quarter teaspoon with hot water and savour the adventurous flavours.
Don't miss out on adding this essential ingredient to your stews, soups, and sauces.
Made in an environment where Crustaceans, Molluscs, Nuts, Eggs & Milk are used.